Menjadi seorang yang bebas kewangan dengan menggunakan homestay sebagai "tools mesin cetak duit tanpa henti"/Passive income streams.
Friday, November 25, 2011
SingaLautMetrO: DUKACITA SEORANG MELAYU MISKIN: BAHASA DUKANYA MEN...: "Bang...sardin tin besar ni minggu dulu hargnya RM5.70, tapi sekarang dah RM6.20!" dia meletakkan semula tin sardin jenama popular di rak se...
This is an email I receive and "I would like to share with you an actual but very sad occurrence which I hope may get you to ponder over what constitutes anxieties, extremities and unnecessary over reactions. A long story... but worth reading for lessons learned.... you may want to pass on to others.
One of my friend's father who is a retiree in his mid-60s, is perfectly healthy looking and behaving normal, plays his round of golf each Sunday, does a fair bit of gardening, keeps himself busy the rest of his time helping his son's (my friend's) little retail business, and goes on
tour/trips every now and then .....
He was persuaded by his daughters and other well wishers to go for His medical checkup which he had last done before retirement some 10 years ago. He didn't see the need to do it as he was feeling perfectly ok and healthy. Of course he didn't want to spend the money. After persistent persuasion from his family he finally gave in (his daughters agreed to foot the bill).
First his blood test revealed a total cholesterol count well above the 5.2 threshold (in fact close to 6). The doctor advised that he went for his stressed ECG test.
Again he had to be persistently persuaded to go thru that test, which he did. And it revealed some abnormality with his heart.
Now the doctor advised that he went thru angiogram. He resisted again and again after much pestering he subscribed to that invasive test.....which revealed three (3) blockages in his heart. And the doctor advised he went thru angioplasty.
This time he was adamant not to go any further. But it was like the end of the world for his family members who were all highly educated people with learned common sense. They went thru the highest mountains and deepest oceans to convince the old man to go thru angioplasty.
The surgery was successful. And he was given a clean bill of health. His heart is revitalized and cleared of all blockages. After returning Home from the hospital, his family (especially his daughters) put him on a "healthy" diet. Strictly no meat...only vegetables and fruits, with perhaps
an occasional dish of steamed fish... no oil.
The result.... the poor old man became weaker, couldn't drive his golf ball the distance he used to, got tired easily when he did his gardening, lost a lot of weight (which everyone was happy because they see him getting healthier that way), went to bed unusually early ('cause he got tired
sitting up late watching the sports channels).... in a nutshell he actually got weaker and probably suffering from mal-nutrition!
Hardly 2 months after the angioplasty he passed away, supposedly from Heart complications.. All of a sudden, a few family doctor friends were able to offer explanations. One of them had this to say...
Heart blockages do not happen over-night. They are built up of time. And the body has somehow gotten used to the blockages. As long as the effects of the blockages are not life threatening, it may be best leaving them alone. Maybe it is better not to know about this. For most men at that advanced age already have blockages, some may be even worse. Not knowing it has one clear advantage. There won't be any STRESS imposed on the person.
And STRESS is the killer.
Some may not respond well with angioplasty. With the heart cleared of its blockages, the blood flow will be unrestricted. And sometimes the body (even the heart may not be used to this new revitalized condition) may not know how to cope with it quick enough. Coupled with a "healthy" diet of just fruits and vegetables which are not the usual and normal intake of this person, may and can do further damage.
So it's a combination of all these that could have killed this poor old man who was, just 2 months ago, a healthy bubbly man living a perfectly normal STRESS FREE retired life.
Today my friend and his siblings all regretted what they had done to their father.
Moral of the story is not to be extreme and take everything in life in its stride and with moderation.
One more thing.... my family doctor, age late 40s, hardly takes meat, a good sportsman, has a total cholesterol count of 6.
Some times it's in the genes. Like my 99 year-old mother-in-law who lives by herself, does her own marketing, cooks her own food, never eats any meat that is not fat all her life, hates lean meat, cholesterol so high ......and she is still kicking and so mentally alert. One thing....she's got
She only gives STRESS to all others around her. That's probably why she's living alone by herself.
So my friends... Don't get paranoid and stressed up for nothing!!! "
Monday, November 21, 2011
masterwordsmith-unplugged: Life Can Begin at 50/60 or 70/80
masterwordsmith-unplugged: Life Can Begin at 50/60 or 70/80: Thanks to reader SKT who sent me the following post which came at the right time, just when I feel quite blue about life, especially with th...
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Act like a pro
What would you do if you knew you were going to get paid a large chunk of cash—up front, without any pre-conditions—to do something?
What would you do? How would you act? If it was something totally in the realm of your capabilities you’d get to work on it right away, right? You’d put in your best effort showcasing your greatest skills knowing that you were fluent in the information being asked for and sure that you would deliver a top notch product.
In other words, you would act like a pro.
So, what’s stopping you?
What’s stopping you, right now, from acting like an expert in your field? Everyone has something they can talk about naturally and authoritatively. Your gifts that only you possess is your uniqueness. Since you’re not like any other and no one else can be you; you have singular talents that you can share with the world that other people can benefit from.
If you’re an authority in an area you can start acting like one now. Your knowledge is desired by your community—or your tribe—even if you haven’t been acknowledged or paid for it yet.
I’m not talking of going around acting all cocky like a know-it-all. I’m telling you to hone in on what it is about you that, for instance, makes your friends be your friends. What keeps them coming back? What is it about you that makes you stand out?
That is your mojo—your gift that is golden. Tap into that, work it, develop it, and it can be your lifeblood, your golden ticket. That’s your genius spot, not like any one else’s, and you’re crazily selfish not to use it to your advantage to help yourself and, in turn, to help others.
Because I guarantee you, there are people out there that would kill for your particular gift. They’re waiting to hear from you. Oh, and they will also pay you for it.
So, let’s re-cap:
- Act like a pro now.
- Ask your friends what it is about you that brings them back for more.
- Develop that and market that in yourself.
- Help yourself.
- And by helping yourself, help others as well.
- Become a PAID expert in your field.
So … what is your unique gift that you’ve been hiding under a bushel basket? Have you dug deep to find it out? Ask your friends. They may have a surprising answer for you. And, leave me a comment below to tell me what it is!
Hi Friend,
Victor Frankl once wrote, "Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.
When you surrender control of your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation, you will react to that situation. More often than not, reacting is inappropriate. On the other hand, if you were to remain objective, you would respond to the situation appropriately, thereby creating a winning situation.
If attitude is such an important word, why do so few people understand it? To be honest, it wasn't until I was in my late 20s when I finally understood its full impact. All through my teens and into my early adult life, I can't tell you the number of times that I heard, "Bob, if you'd just change your attitude, you would do a lot better." In retrospect I can easily see the cause of my problem. I didn't know what attitude was, let alone know how to change it!
Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Your conscious mind controls feeling and ultimately dictates whether your feelings will be positive or negative by your choice of thoughts, then your body displays those choices through action and behavior.
Attitude is actually a creative cycle that begins with your choice of thoughts. You do choose your thoughts and that choice is where your attitude originates. As you internalize ideas or become emotionally involved with your thoughts, you create the second stage in forming an attitude; you move your entire being - mind and body - into a new "vibration." Your conscious awareness of this vibration is referred to as "feeling".Your feelings are then expressed in actions or behaviors that produce the various results in your life.
Positive results are always the effect of a positive attitude. Attitude and results are inseparable. They follow one another like night follows day. What I mean by that is: one is the cause, the other, the result. There is a term we use to distinguish this "cause and effect" relationship, it is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Simply stated, if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results; if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results. Ralph Waldo Emerson reiterated that same point when he said, "A person is what they think about all day long." The results you achieve in life are nothing more than an expression of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Take a close look at your life and evaluate the results you are achieving in various areas. See if you are able to relate your attitude to your results.
Winning and losing are opposite sides of the same coin - and that coin is attitude. There are many things wrong in this world; unfortunately that is all some people are able to see. Those who view the world in this light are often unhappy and somewhat cynical. Usually, their life is one of lack and limitation and it almost appears as if they move from one bad experience to another. I know people who are like this and I'm certain you do as well. It would appear as if they were born with a streak of bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life. These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems, rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude.
Conversely, there are others who are forever winning and living the good life. They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen. They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another. They're in control of their life; they know where they are going and know they will get there. They are the real winners in life and their wins are a matter of choice.
You can experience that kind of life as well, you only need to decide. Making that simple decision is the first step to a new life. Dorothea Brand once said, "Act as if it were impossible to fail," and I challenge you to do so. By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day, you will change your entire outlook. You have the power to choose an abundant life no matter your circumstances. That active choice will allow other positive people and opportunities to be attracted into your life. Don't wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you. Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you were meant to lead.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
Victor Frankl once wrote, "Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitudes in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." Frankl was right. Attitude is a choice. You could be faced with a thousand problems, many or most over which you have absolutely no control. However, there is always one thing you are in complete and absolute control of and that is your own attitude.
When you surrender control of your attitude to what appears to be a negative situation, you will react to that situation. More often than not, reacting is inappropriate. On the other hand, if you were to remain objective, you would respond to the situation appropriately, thereby creating a winning situation.
If attitude is such an important word, why do so few people understand it? To be honest, it wasn't until I was in my late 20s when I finally understood its full impact. All through my teens and into my early adult life, I can't tell you the number of times that I heard, "Bob, if you'd just change your attitude, you would do a lot better." In retrospect I can easily see the cause of my problem. I didn't know what attitude was, let alone know how to change it!
Attitude is the composite of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Your conscious mind controls feeling and ultimately dictates whether your feelings will be positive or negative by your choice of thoughts, then your body displays those choices through action and behavior.
Attitude is actually a creative cycle that begins with your choice of thoughts. You do choose your thoughts and that choice is where your attitude originates. As you internalize ideas or become emotionally involved with your thoughts, you create the second stage in forming an attitude; you move your entire being - mind and body - into a new "vibration." Your conscious awareness of this vibration is referred to as "feeling".Your feelings are then expressed in actions or behaviors that produce the various results in your life.
Positive results are always the effect of a positive attitude. Attitude and results are inseparable. They follow one another like night follows day. What I mean by that is: one is the cause, the other, the result. There is a term we use to distinguish this "cause and effect" relationship, it is called The Law of Cause and Effect. Simply stated, if you think in negative terms, you will get negative results; if you think in positive terms you will achieve positive results. Ralph Waldo Emerson reiterated that same point when he said, "A person is what they think about all day long." The results you achieve in life are nothing more than an expression of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Take a close look at your life and evaluate the results you are achieving in various areas. See if you are able to relate your attitude to your results.
Winning and losing are opposite sides of the same coin - and that coin is attitude. There are many things wrong in this world; unfortunately that is all some people are able to see. Those who view the world in this light are often unhappy and somewhat cynical. Usually, their life is one of lack and limitation and it almost appears as if they move from one bad experience to another. I know people who are like this and I'm certain you do as well. It would appear as if they were born with a streak of bad luck and it has followed them around their whole life. These individuals are quick to blame circumstances or other people for their problems, rather than accepting responsibility for their life and their attitude.
Conversely, there are others who are forever winning and living the good life. They are the real movers and shakers who make things happen. They seem to go from one major accomplishment to another. They're in control of their life; they know where they are going and know they will get there. They are the real winners in life and their wins are a matter of choice.
You can experience that kind of life as well, you only need to decide. Making that simple decision is the first step to a new life. Dorothea Brand once said, "Act as if it were impossible to fail," and I challenge you to do so. By simply becoming aware that you can choose your thoughts each and every day, you will change your entire outlook. You have the power to choose an abundant life no matter your circumstances. That active choice will allow other positive people and opportunities to be attracted into your life. Don't wait to experience all the wonderful things the universe has in store for you. Start today by working on your attitude and welcome the abundant life that you were meant to lead.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
Saturday, November 19, 2011
There are thousands of ways to be a millionaire but none of them is very easy to say. But if you follow the steps taught in this article is very likely that within a few years you become a millionaire.
Throughout my life, studying, analyzing and reading books I have concluded that the millionaires have achieved their financial success by following some basic keys.
I have come to the conclusion that much money a person can have is very similar to any of us, with their fears and weaknesses, they also worry about their health and safety of their children, as we do.
Based on this idea, we can infer that anyone who really intends it can become a millionaire.
Keys to be really Millionaire:
* You should not work for anyone but yourself.
Have you ever considered that could be a serious mistake to work for someone else? Think about this: Having a job you feed many people, not just yourself or your family.
* Be sure you really want to be a millionaire.
Why You Want to Be a Millionaire? Most people would like to be a millionaire, but are not willing to do so. If you really want to be a millionaire, you must convince yourself and sacrifice everything to achieve that goal.
* Maximize your earning power
The more money you make faster you will become a millionaire. If your source of income is not so good, it’s time to think up your own company.
* Spend less and live longer
No matter how much money you earn per month if you spend too much money. Buy many luxuries, a house or a new car just gives you a false illusion of what being a millionaire, but the reality is that you’re not.
The millionaires are sacrificed and invested everything they can to start and stop the luxuries to go.
* Invest!
The purpose of saving your money is invested and profit. To grow the money you have to use it and take risks. If you already have saved a lot of money ready to invest, the way to being a millionaire is much easier.
* Do not give up.
Go ahead with your plan and persevere. You fail again and again, but success may be just around the corner.
“The bitter taste of defeat only serves to sweeten more success”
To conclude this article, I want to say that money is not everything, also devotes time to find a good woman and marry her and this is perhaps the greatest source of happiness that a man can get.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Jutawan Pada Nilai Bersih Harta bukan Jumlah Wang Tunai
Jutawan Pada Nilai Bersih Harta bukan Jumlah Wang Tunai
Dah lama tak bersurah pasal bab jutawan (perkataan jutawan memang catchy bukan?), well here goes another millionaire entry. Sebenarnya nilai Sejuta adalah dikira dari nilai bersih harta, bukannya jumlah wang tunai. Tak ramai org simpan jumlah wang tunai rm1 juta, tapi bila diambil kira nilai bersih harta, maka seseorang tu dah bergelar jutawan.
Nilai aset bersih ataupun Net Worth tu apa matjoe?
Semudah ASET semasa - (tolak) LIABILITY ataupun hutang
Ni aku sertakan contoh Aset bersih harta seseorang itu.
Senaraikan nilai ASET
asb = 200k
rumah a = 100k
rumah b = 125k
rumah c = 250k
rumah d = 100k
unit trust = 25k
kereta = 30k
EPF = 60k
Jumlah aset = 890k
Senaraikan Liability ataupun hutang
Overdraft ASB = rm125k
baki hutang rumah a = 70k
baki hutang rumah b = 90k
baki hutang rumah c = 160k
baki hutang rumah d = 70k
baki hutang kereta = 20k
Jumlah Liability = 535k
So networth = 890k - 535k = 355k
So sekarang ni, dalam contoh ni, masih 1/3 jutawan lah, kene gather lagi 2/3 utk jadi jutawan. So pengajaran kt sini, jutawan adalah dinilai padanilai bersih harta
Nilai aset bersih ataupun Net Worth tu apa matjoe?
Semudah ASET semasa - (tolak) LIABILITY ataupun hutang
Ni aku sertakan contoh Aset bersih harta seseorang itu.
Senaraikan nilai ASET
asb = 200k
rumah a = 100k
rumah b = 125k
rumah c = 250k
rumah d = 100k
unit trust = 25k
kereta = 30k
EPF = 60k
Jumlah aset = 890k
Senaraikan Liability ataupun hutang
Overdraft ASB = rm125k
baki hutang rumah a = 70k
baki hutang rumah b = 90k
baki hutang rumah c = 160k
baki hutang rumah d = 70k
baki hutang kereta = 20k
Jumlah Liability = 535k
So networth = 890k - 535k = 355k
So sekarang ni, dalam contoh ni, masih 1/3 jutawan lah, kene gather lagi 2/3 utk jadi jutawan. So pengajaran kt sini, jutawan adalah dinilai padanilai bersih harta
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Aku Seadanya: Menjadi Jutawan Yang Hidup Sederhana
Aku Seadanya: Menjadi Jutawan Yang Hidup Sederhana: Baru sebentar tadi baru balik dari berjumpa KawanKu dan CikBi, tapi aku yang terpaksa membelanjai dia. Yuran semester baru untuk dua orang d...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Prudence and wisdom
Imagine 2 persons who are middle income earners. Let us assume that both earn about the same pay. Both are staying in their own houses passed down from their parents.
One of them, let me called him A, is prudent. He maintains a simple lifestyle, employs only a maid, does not spend on luxurious goods, and saves up most of his income. With his savings, he bought another house with a bank loan, and rents out that house, using the rent to pay the instalments for the bank loan. Whatever he saves goes to help paying the mortgage too. In a few years time, he sold the property and use the proceeds earned to buy 2 separate properties, again with bank loans, again renting them out, again using the rentals to pay for the instalments.
In time, he will be a proud owner of many properties, and with most properties paid off, he is now considered a very rich man.
The other person, let’s call him B, started off with the same income. He is even more fortunate, for one day, when he as digging in the garden of his ancestral home, he found a big box of gold bunions.
Instead of using his fortune to invest like A above, he employs a driver, 3 maids, 3 gardeners, a cook, 2 cleaners, a nanny, 2 guards. Most of these staff are redunctant, and most spend the days chatting instead of doing work.
Using his bunions as collateral, he borrows from various banks and has many credit cards. Because his lifestyle is so luxurious, his income cannot sustain him, and what sustains his lifestyle is the borrowings. One day, when he finds his income unable to pay the interest of the loans, he has no choice but to mortgage his own house for more funds just to service the previous loans. That is actually the point of no return. Once his income cannot service his loan, and he has to use fresh loan to cover the interest of his existing loans, he has already cross the line to bankruptcy.
The above is actually happening everyday. Even among the younger generations, many have become bankrupt because of borrowings that they are unable to service.
Borrowings can be good if it helps to increase income. Borrowings are bad if it is merely use for operational costs, like keeping a huge staff that is many times above what is needed for the same productivity. The examples of A and B are clear illustrations.
Extrapolate the above to nations, and we will understand why some nations which have big borrowings but still manage to get richer and richer, and others which are collapsing under the huge borrowings that they have accumulated over the years.
Our country too has debts which is now about 53% of our GDP. If these debts are used to generate income that can be more than the interest, then we should be able to reduce the borrowings in future, and at the same time, progress faster than if we just use our own funds..
However, if the borrowings are used to service operational costs, a big part of which goes to pay remuneration of our civil service and servicing interest payments, then we must start thinking of more prudent ways of managing our spending.
We have not reached the point of no return yet. But at 53% of our GDP and with sluggish economy growth of around 3-4% next year (this is my estimate, but it can go lower in view of the uncertainty in the West), we must start planning to reduce our debts. We can easily start that by reining in our wastage and leakage; we can actually see how our funds are wasted looking at Auditor General’s report. A few years ago, an international renown financial house estimated our leakage and wastage to be around 100 billions. It must be more now.
It is like a patient who is having a bacterial infection of his toes. Bacterial infection of such kind can be cured easily if treatment is given early. Once the infection goes up from the toe and involves the whole foot, it can still be managed but it will take a longer time to recover. But if the infection is left alone at the stage of foot involvement, it can easily infect the blood stream and septicemia may set in. If there is septicemia, and if the bacteria is of a virulent type, then I can only pray for the patient , for at that stage, a point of no return may have been reached, and treatment may not be effective.
The Chinese has a proverb advising that “we must be prepared for the rainy days”. I think that is the wisdom which will do any nation good.
Monday, October 31, 2011
What would you do if you have a million bucks?
What would you do if you have a million bucks?
Real life slumdog millionaire: Sushil (left) says thank you with clasped hands as he receives his US$1mil prize from Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachchan during the fifth season of the Indian version of the Who Wants to be a Millionaire? television quiz in Mumbai on Oct 25. Kumar, a computer operator who earns just US$130 a month, has become the first person to win the top prize. — AFP
Deputy executive editor Soo Ewe Jin notes that the world’s population officially hits seven billion today. No one really knows who is Citizen Seven Billion, of course, but by the time he grows up, millionaires and billionaires will probably be a dime a
Monday Starters - By Soo Ewe Jin
WHAT would you do if you have a million bucks? A poor government clerk from Bihar, a remote and poverty-stricken region of northern India, has become the first person to win 50 million rupees (RM3mil) on the popular Indian version of the gameshow Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Sushil Kumar’s win is a classic case of life imitating art as the script is similar to that of the 2008 Oscar-winning film Slumdog Millionaire.
According to the Associated Press, Sushil said he would spend some of his prize money to prepare for India’s tough civil service examination, which could lead to a secure and prestigious lifetime job.
He would also buy a new home for his wife, pay off his parents’ debts, give his brothers cash to set up small businesses and build a library in Motihari so the children of his village would have access to books and knowledge.

Everyone loves a story like this. Although people can become instant millionaires by striking the lottery or pulling the lever on a one-armed bandit at a casino, using one’s talent at a tension-filled gameshow is more admirable.
And I applaud Sushil for his noble attitude in thinking of others to share in his newfound fortune. Bihar is one of the poorest states of India and its remoter areas, such as Motihari, have been largely untouched by India’s phenomenal recent economic growth.
Do you know that there are now at least 39,000 millionaires in Malaysia? According to a recent report by the Credit Suisse Group, 19,000 new millionaires were created over the past 18 months alone.
Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific Wealth Report 2011 by Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management and Capgemini, also released recently, revealed that Malaysia’s rich prefer splurging on a fancy new set of wheels, luxurious yachts or private jets.
Up to 46% invested their ringgit in luxury collectibles like cars, boats and jets, the highest percentage of any country within the Asia-Pacific region.
Their counterparts down south seem less interesting and still prefer jewellery and luxury watches.
I know that the CEOs who read the business section of this newspaper may consider a million ringgit small change but to most of us, it is a very faraway goal, not something one can possibly achieve as a regular salaried worker.
But we can all dream and I was wondering to myself, what would I do if I suddenly had a million ringgit in hand? I suppose our wishes would coincide very much with our age, status, and ultimately our character.
To those who believe material pursuits equate to real happiness, a shopping spree would be fantastic.
Those who do not focus too much on material things may want to travel around the world and complete their Bucket List, which may also include going on a religious pilgrimage.
I believe that God never gives us more than we can handle, just as He never lets us go through trials and tribulations beyond our capacity to endure.
And that was when I stopped dreaming. Because I know, seriously, I will never be able to handle so much money at any one time. So I shall be content and count my blessings. I hope you will too.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Can we really think out of the box?
Can we really think out of the box? Most times we can't. Those who are really successful in business life, are those who can think out of the box. Below is an interesting story which I received from my email. Very interesting indeed!
An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey . He wanted to plant
his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.
His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament: Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my
tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot.
I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Papa,
Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried.
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up
the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man
and left.
That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Papa,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.
That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you,
his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.
His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament: Dear Vincent,
I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won't be able to plant my
tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot.
I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
A few days later he received a letter from his son.
Dear Papa,
Don't dig up that garden. That's where the bodies are buried.
At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up
the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man
and left.
That same day the old man received another letter from his son.
Dear Papa,
Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.
That's the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you,
IHSAN:, September 8, 2011
Adakah sama menyimpan emas dengan melabur emas?
Ada yang bertanya saya tentang pelaburan emas. Seorang pensyarah UiTM Johor bertanyakan tentang pelaburan dinar Iraq. Dia menyatakan ada seseorang ‘approach’nya lalu mendakwa kononnya dinar Iraq sekarang ‘undervalue’ sebab berlaku peperangan. Apabila keadaan kembali reda dan tenang di Iraq, ‘value’nya nanti akan naik mendadak dan tatkala itu pembeli (pelabur) dinar Iraq akan bersorak kegirangan menuai hasil lumayan dengan untung berlipat kali ganda. Begitulah hujah lazim yang seringkali merobek kebanyakan hati-hati kita yang sering mendambakan keuntungan atas angin. Namun, hakikatnya itu semua tidak akan berlaku. Untuk melayani karenah skim pelaburan sebegini, seseorang perlulah kembali kepada fundamental ilmu dengan kembali membuat rujukan tentang ilmu pelaburan terutamanya yang berkaitan dengan hukum agama. Saya tidaklah berniat untuk mengulas panjang tentang isu dinar Iraq ini kerana jelas dinar Iraq adalah bukan komoditi atau barangan yang boleh dijualbeli tetapi hanyalah wang kertas semata-mata. Justeru, pelaburan dinar Iraq telah tidak “shariah compliance” atau tidak patuh shariah pada peringkat pertama lagi. Jadi tak usahlah kita nak bersusah-susah untuk mem’predict’ dari sudut ekonomi pula. Apa yang pasti, Iraq masih lagi tidak reda walaupun kerajaan baru bersilih ganti.
Apa yang saya nak kongsikan di sini adalah proses memuhasabah semula segala tindakan kita yang mungkin tidak selari dengan hukum-hukum shariah yang berkaitan dengan pelaburan emas. Saya nak kemukakan persoalan ini untuk sama-sama kita renungi:
Adakah kita menyimpan emas atau melabur emas?
Ini adalah persoalan yang penting kerana kebanyakkan kita membeli emas dengan tujuan yang berbeza. Persoalannya ialah mana satukah yang betul? Simpan emas atau labur emas? Menyimpan emas tiada masalah, yang menjadi masalah apabila tak bayar zakat sedangkan cukup nisabnya. Sedangkan melabur emas harus mempunyai pendetilannya seperti untuk apa melabur emas? Adakah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam bentuk duit semula hasil dari kenaikan harga emas?
Apabila ditanya kenapa beli jongkong emas? Mereka kata ‘value’ emas stabil dan semakin naik harganya. Ini memang jawapan lazim. Terus terang saya katakan bahawa saya bukanlah anti terhadap aktiviti pembelian emas dan tidak salah membeli jongkong emas atau dinar emas malah saya menggalakkan mereka untuk menyimpan emas, tetapi apabila membeli dengan tujuan untuk menjual semula (justeru dapat keuntungan dalam bentuk duit), maka di situ ada terdapat elemen ‘ihtikar’ atau sorok kerana si pembeli jongkong bukan tujuan menyimpan untuk kegunaan sendiri atau kecemasan di masa mendatang (dan memang pun jongkong/coin bukan tujuan penggunaan, melainkan ianya diubah bentuk kepada barang kemas), tetapi lebih kepada menyimpan jongkong dengan tujuan menjualnya semula pada harga yang tinggi. Ini tidak ubah seperti membeli beras dengan banyak lalu menyimpannya dengan bertujuan untuk menjualnya semula pada harga yang tinggi. Mereka bukan membeli beras dengan tujuan untuk penggunaan tetapi untuk menjual semual beras tersebut pada harga yang tinggi lalu mendapat keuntungan daripadanya. Fenomena seperti ini adakah layak dipanggil aktiviti pelaburan? Sudah tentu janggal rasanya apabila dipanggil pelaburan beras tetapi yang layak adalah aktiviti MENYOROK BERAS!. Namun itulah yang sering berlaku di dalam , masyarakat kita berkaitan transaksi emas yang mereka panggil sebagai pelaburan emas.
Semestinya terdapat ‘arguement’ terhadap pandangan saya ini kerana mereka merasakan jika tidak buat sebegitu sampai bila orang Melayu tidak boleh berniaga emas yang sekarang dimonopoli oleh kaum cina dan sampai bila-bila juga orang Melayu tidak termotivasi untuk memiliki emas. Justeru apa jalan penyelesaiannya?
Mari kita lihat daripada perspektif Islam. Dalam Islam, pelaburan adalah berdasarkan prinsip mudharabah dan musyarakah. Ini kerana, Islam menekankan konsep kerjasama dan sama-sama menanggung risiko dan sama-sama berjaya bila perniagaan mendapat keuntungan. Pelaburan pula bukanlah satu aktiviti mendapatan keuntungan atas angin sebagaimana yang berleluasa sekarang, tetapi ialah adalah satu bentuk aktiviti kerjasama antara pemodal, pemilik modal, rakan kongsi, usahawan dan lain-lai yang terlibat di dalam menggemblengkan asset-aset modal. Aset-aset modal inilah yang perlu dipikul bersama oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam kontrak mudharabah mahupun musyarakah itu tadi supaya beroleh keuntungan. Ia bukannya semudah A, B, C atau semudah atas angin. Memang benar Islam membenarkan komisyen di atas setiap transaksi tetapi Islam tidak membenarkan ihtikar iaitu menyimpan sesuatu untuk menjualnya semula pada harga yang mahal.
Kenapa tidak boleh? Jawapannya mudah kerana ia akan menyebabkan sesuatu perniagaan itu akan runtuh kerana harga tidak selamanya akan terus naik apatah lagi kenaikan itu berlaku dalam masa yang singkat. Apabila kenaikan harga ini berterusan, dalam masa yang sama nilai wang pula akan jatuh mendadak dan ini mendekatkan ekonomi kepada fasa keruntuhan atau dalam istilah ekonomi dipanggil ‘boom period’. Sewajibnya harga terus stabil untuk melayakkan system ekonomi itu kekal mapan.
Jadi untuk melayakkan pelaburan emas itu menjadi “syariah compliance” terlebih dahulu emas itu ditukar menjadi barangan kemas kerana hanya dengan barangan kemas, barulah pembeli akan membeli dengan tujuan penggunaan bukan untuk jual balik. Tetapi memang ada orang yang beli barang kemas dengan niat untuk jual balik namun harus diingat mereka menjual apabila keadaan mendesak sahaja seperti tidak cukup wang untuk membeli makanan dan pakaian sebagai contoh. Maka dari situ barulah timbul konsep ar-Rahn seperti mana Rasulullah menggadaikan baju besi kepada orang yahudi ketika itu untuk membeli makanan.
Bolehkah dinar dijualbeli?
Jawapannya sudah tentu tidak. Walaupun ianya emas 999 atau emas 916 ianya masih tidak boleh kerana dinar adalah matawang. Matawang tidak boleh dijualbeli. Ia hanya bertindak sebagai ‘medium of exchange’. Namun, ada yang berhujah, dinar sekarang bukannya matawang justeru ia kekal sebagai komoditi. Memang betul, tapi jika seseorang datang kepada saya hendak membeli kambing dengan dinar yang dia ada, adakah saya akan menolak? Sudah tentu tidak dan tanpa ragu saya akan terima dinar tersebut kerana saya tahu dinar lebih bernilai daripada ringgit. Nah, adakah ianya bukan matawang laggi dalamkeadaan itu? Ianya memang boleh dijadikan matawang dan seharusnya yag lain menyokong penggunaan dinar atau setidak-tidaknya meminimakan penggunaan wang kertas yang semakin hilang fungsi wangnya itu. Malah jika kita lihat di jakarta, ramai peniaga di sana misalnya telah bertransaksi dengan dirham dan dinar malah di sana terdapat pasar dan kedai yang boleh menerima dinar dan dirham.
So, adakah wujud pelaburan emas?
Tidak salah membuat pelaburan dalam emas. Caranya ialah kita mesti perlu memahami konsep pelaburan itu sendiri iaitu menjana modal terhadap kos-kos modal dengan tujuan untuk memperolehi keuntungan. Sebagai contoh, menjual barangan kemas kepada pengguna atau membuka kedai emas sendiri atau membantu rakan-rakan membuka perniagaan barangan-barangan emas. Sukar? Sudah tentu tetapi itulah yang telah dibuat oleh peniaga-peniaga emas sekarang. Tiada jalan singkat untuk berjaya.

Orang bermatian untuk mendapatkan emas namun manpulasi emas bakal memusnahkan industri ini.
Apa yang saya nak kongsikan di sini adalah proses memuhasabah semula segala tindakan kita yang mungkin tidak selari dengan hukum-hukum shariah yang berkaitan dengan pelaburan emas. Saya nak kemukakan persoalan ini untuk sama-sama kita renungi:
Adakah kita menyimpan emas atau melabur emas?
Ini adalah persoalan yang penting kerana kebanyakkan kita membeli emas dengan tujuan yang berbeza. Persoalannya ialah mana satukah yang betul? Simpan emas atau labur emas? Menyimpan emas tiada masalah, yang menjadi masalah apabila tak bayar zakat sedangkan cukup nisabnya. Sedangkan melabur emas harus mempunyai pendetilannya seperti untuk apa melabur emas? Adakah untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dalam bentuk duit semula hasil dari kenaikan harga emas?
Apabila ditanya kenapa beli jongkong emas? Mereka kata ‘value’ emas stabil dan semakin naik harganya. Ini memang jawapan lazim. Terus terang saya katakan bahawa saya bukanlah anti terhadap aktiviti pembelian emas dan tidak salah membeli jongkong emas atau dinar emas malah saya menggalakkan mereka untuk menyimpan emas, tetapi apabila membeli dengan tujuan untuk menjual semula (justeru dapat keuntungan dalam bentuk duit), maka di situ ada terdapat elemen ‘ihtikar’ atau sorok kerana si pembeli jongkong bukan tujuan menyimpan untuk kegunaan sendiri atau kecemasan di masa mendatang (dan memang pun jongkong/coin bukan tujuan penggunaan, melainkan ianya diubah bentuk kepada barang kemas), tetapi lebih kepada menyimpan jongkong dengan tujuan menjualnya semula pada harga yang tinggi. Ini tidak ubah seperti membeli beras dengan banyak lalu menyimpannya dengan bertujuan untuk menjualnya semula pada harga yang tinggi. Mereka bukan membeli beras dengan tujuan untuk penggunaan tetapi untuk menjual semual beras tersebut pada harga yang tinggi lalu mendapat keuntungan daripadanya. Fenomena seperti ini adakah layak dipanggil aktiviti pelaburan? Sudah tentu janggal rasanya apabila dipanggil pelaburan beras tetapi yang layak adalah aktiviti MENYOROK BERAS!. Namun itulah yang sering berlaku di dalam , masyarakat kita berkaitan transaksi emas yang mereka panggil sebagai pelaburan emas.
Semestinya terdapat ‘arguement’ terhadap pandangan saya ini kerana mereka merasakan jika tidak buat sebegitu sampai bila orang Melayu tidak boleh berniaga emas yang sekarang dimonopoli oleh kaum cina dan sampai bila-bila juga orang Melayu tidak termotivasi untuk memiliki emas. Justeru apa jalan penyelesaiannya?
Mari kita lihat daripada perspektif Islam. Dalam Islam, pelaburan adalah berdasarkan prinsip mudharabah dan musyarakah. Ini kerana, Islam menekankan konsep kerjasama dan sama-sama menanggung risiko dan sama-sama berjaya bila perniagaan mendapat keuntungan. Pelaburan pula bukanlah satu aktiviti mendapatan keuntungan atas angin sebagaimana yang berleluasa sekarang, tetapi ialah adalah satu bentuk aktiviti kerjasama antara pemodal, pemilik modal, rakan kongsi, usahawan dan lain-lai yang terlibat di dalam menggemblengkan asset-aset modal. Aset-aset modal inilah yang perlu dipikul bersama oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam kontrak mudharabah mahupun musyarakah itu tadi supaya beroleh keuntungan. Ia bukannya semudah A, B, C atau semudah atas angin. Memang benar Islam membenarkan komisyen di atas setiap transaksi tetapi Islam tidak membenarkan ihtikar iaitu menyimpan sesuatu untuk menjualnya semula pada harga yang mahal.
Kenapa tidak boleh? Jawapannya mudah kerana ia akan menyebabkan sesuatu perniagaan itu akan runtuh kerana harga tidak selamanya akan terus naik apatah lagi kenaikan itu berlaku dalam masa yang singkat. Apabila kenaikan harga ini berterusan, dalam masa yang sama nilai wang pula akan jatuh mendadak dan ini mendekatkan ekonomi kepada fasa keruntuhan atau dalam istilah ekonomi dipanggil ‘boom period’. Sewajibnya harga terus stabil untuk melayakkan system ekonomi itu kekal mapan.
Jadi untuk melayakkan pelaburan emas itu menjadi “syariah compliance” terlebih dahulu emas itu ditukar menjadi barangan kemas kerana hanya dengan barangan kemas, barulah pembeli akan membeli dengan tujuan penggunaan bukan untuk jual balik. Tetapi memang ada orang yang beli barang kemas dengan niat untuk jual balik namun harus diingat mereka menjual apabila keadaan mendesak sahaja seperti tidak cukup wang untuk membeli makanan dan pakaian sebagai contoh. Maka dari situ barulah timbul konsep ar-Rahn seperti mana Rasulullah menggadaikan baju besi kepada orang yahudi ketika itu untuk membeli makanan.
Bolehkah dinar dijualbeli?
Jawapannya sudah tentu tidak. Walaupun ianya emas 999 atau emas 916 ianya masih tidak boleh kerana dinar adalah matawang. Matawang tidak boleh dijualbeli. Ia hanya bertindak sebagai ‘medium of exchange’. Namun, ada yang berhujah, dinar sekarang bukannya matawang justeru ia kekal sebagai komoditi. Memang betul, tapi jika seseorang datang kepada saya hendak membeli kambing dengan dinar yang dia ada, adakah saya akan menolak? Sudah tentu tidak dan tanpa ragu saya akan terima dinar tersebut kerana saya tahu dinar lebih bernilai daripada ringgit. Nah, adakah ianya bukan matawang laggi dalamkeadaan itu? Ianya memang boleh dijadikan matawang dan seharusnya yag lain menyokong penggunaan dinar atau setidak-tidaknya meminimakan penggunaan wang kertas yang semakin hilang fungsi wangnya itu. Malah jika kita lihat di jakarta, ramai peniaga di sana misalnya telah bertransaksi dengan dirham dan dinar malah di sana terdapat pasar dan kedai yang boleh menerima dinar dan dirham.
So, adakah wujud pelaburan emas?
Tidak salah membuat pelaburan dalam emas. Caranya ialah kita mesti perlu memahami konsep pelaburan itu sendiri iaitu menjana modal terhadap kos-kos modal dengan tujuan untuk memperolehi keuntungan. Sebagai contoh, menjual barangan kemas kepada pengguna atau membuka kedai emas sendiri atau membantu rakan-rakan membuka perniagaan barangan-barangan emas. Sukar? Sudah tentu tetapi itulah yang telah dibuat oleh peniaga-peniaga emas sekarang. Tiada jalan singkat untuk berjaya.

Orang bermatian untuk mendapatkan emas namun manpulasi emas bakal memusnahkan industri ini.
Ihsan :
Monday, August 15, 2011
Kisah sedih Melayu : Susukan anak 4 tahun dengan susu F& N
Anda mungkin pernah berjumpa dengan orang yang meminta pertolongan kerana hidup susah. Pelbagai persepsi negatif yang diberikan kepada orang yang meminta pertolongan ini. Tipu lah, tak mahu kerja lah, suka meminta-minta lah dan macam-macam. Kenapa ada persepsi negatif ? sebab memang ada yang berbohong susah tetapi tidak susah.
Sebenarnya, bukan semua yang berbohong. Ramai yang benar-benar susah menjadi mangsa akibat mereka yang berbohong susah. Orang benar-benar susahpun dipandang serong sedang mereka amat memerlukan pertolongan.
Bacalah kisah benar dalam web Kisah seorang yang pemurah bertemu dengan seorang muda yang benar-benar susah. Bayangkan , jika orang ini tidak diberi pertolongan disebabkan persepsi negatif. Justeru , janganlah kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga. Bantulah mereka, terutama jika kita memegang amanah kebajikan.
Inilah realiti kehidupan di Malaysia. Masih ramai lagi orang yang susah dan miskin di Malaysia ni sebenarnya. Saya berasa sedih membaca kisah benar ini. Ia membuatkan saya insaf dan merasa sangat bersyukur dengan apa yang ada.
Bacalah kisah benar di bawah ini. Semoga anda juga berasa bersyukur dengan apa yang anda miliki sekarang.
Setelah selesai majlis bacaan Yaasin untuk Kekanda Sultan Perak yang mangkat, jemaah masjid dirai dengan jamuan kenduri arwah seorang dari jemaah kariah di anjung balai. Ikut giliran, aku yang nak buat jamuan tahlil arwah malam ni, tapi kerana kes khas, nampaknya giliranku untuk bersedekah bagi pihak arwah ibubapaku yang telah ke barzah terpaksa ditunda esok malam. lagipun bacaan Yaasin telah ditetapkan oleh JAIP untuk 3 malam berturut-turut mulai malam ini.
Sedang menjamu pisang dan nasi lemak kukus, kami dikejutkan dengan kehadiran seorang lelaki yang agak kusam dan lusuh pakaiannya. mengambil wuduk..jelas bukan orang kariah kami. Orang luar ni. Imam yang duduk di depan aku ketika itu, bersuara sambil memanggil anak muda yang baru habis berwuduk untuk duduk bersama menikmati jamuan arwah bersama.
Agak malu2 dia, namun akhirnya tiada pilihan bila aku sendiri berkata, elok makan dulu, baru bersolat..kita solat jemaah nanti..kelak dibimbangkan solat tak kusyuk, mari makan..anak muda itu terus duduk bersama kami..kebetulan kerusi kosong hanya ada kat sebelah tok imam saja lagi.
Aku tuangkan air teh panas untuk anak muda ini. Memang dia agak malu. Mungkin keadaan yang asing bagi dia mungkin. Biarlah..setelah dihulurkan secawan teh, terus disambut. Namun apa yang aku perhatikan, anak muda ini seperti memang sedang lapar.
Jelas aku lihat bagaimana dia memegang cawan dengan terketar-ketar, begitu juga ketika menyuap nasi ke mulut menggunakan sudu. Terketar2 dan tidak bercakap. Anak muda ini benar2 lapar, bisik hati ku. Tok imam bungkam sambil mulut mengunyah cebisan pisang yang tinggal separuh.
Setelah habis hidangan itu, aku hulur lagi sepinggan nasi lemak, mana tahu dia nak tambah. Lagipun nasi lemak memang ada yg belum berusik. Dia menolak. pun dah kenyang ! katanya pantas. Oh! anak muda ini tak bisu. Dia normal. Dia boleh bercakap. Nampak kepuasan dimuka anak muda ini setelah perut terisi dengan hidangan kami malam ini. Syukur Alhamdulillah..! aku tersenyum. Dia juga tersenyum.
Dari mana ? aku mula buka mulut ! Dari Jawi. (Sebelah Nibong Tebal). Jauh juga tu..nak kemana ? Saya sedang cari kerja encik, dari pagi keluar sampai lepas maghrib..nampaknya tak ader rezeki lagi untuk saya dapat kerja hari ini.
Semalam pun saya keluar cari kerja di sebelah BM (Bukit Mertajam) dah dapat tapi jauh pula nak berulang. Kerja tukang cuci pinggan di kedai mamak. Hari ni memang tak ada rezeki saya dapat kerja lagi ! Alhamdulillah..rezeki saya di masjid..sambil ketawa kecil, saikologinya itulah cara melepas tekanan paling murah sebenarnya. Ketawa ! Walaupun didalam hati, azab hanya Tuhan yang tahu.
Datang tadi naik apa ? Naik bas. MasyaAllah..! Ada bas ker lagi nak balik ke Jawi ? tanya saya untuk kepastian. Ada..bas akhir jam 9.30 malam. Ok..lah macam tu. Kerana saya berkopiah putih dia membahasakan saya sebagai bang haji !
Seusai habis bersolat jemaah Isyak, ketika saya mahu meninggalkan ruang solat tiba2 bahu saya dicuit dari belakang. Oh ! anak muda ini rupanya. Yer..ada apa yang boleh saya tolong ?
Bang haji macam ni sebenarnya..saya kehabisan duit..bolehkah bang haji pinjamkan sedikit wang untuk saya, saya sesak sangat ! Bukan banyak..RM10 pun cukuplah..saya nak belikan anak saya susu ! Anak ? Berapa umur anak awak ? 4 tahun ringkas jawabnya. Anak perempuan.
Cukup ker nak beli susu dengan RM10 ? Tanya saya lagi..untuk kepastian. Cukup ! Awak belikan anak awak susu apa dengan RM10 ? Saya makin kurang percaya. Susu tin F&N bang haji, itu saja yg saya mampu. Saya dah hampir 3 bulan diberhentikan kerja. Kilang tutup. Astagfirullah…!
Sambil mengeluarkan wang baki dalam kocek, anak muda ini menunjukkan jumlah RM1.70 sen kepada saya. Ini ajer wang yang tinggal bang Haji. Awak ikut saya, saya mengarahkan anak muda itu turun dari tangga masjid dan terus ke kereta.
Setelah dibukakan pintu saya minta dia masuk, biar saya hantar awak ke stesyen bas, lagipun jam dah menunjukkan hampir 9.05 malam., dia akur dan menurut saja.
Ketika masuk ke Pusat Bandar, saya berhenti sekejap di ATM Ambank dan mengeluarkan RM50 hasil bayaran dari sahabat yang beriklan di blog saya, MULTY GREEN TRADING yang kalian lihat bannernya di blog sekarang, itu saja yang saya mampu bantu dan tolong anak muda ini.
Dia terkejut juga kerana baginya agak banyak duit yang diberikan. Ambillah..saya tolong awak ikhlas, saya sedekah kerana Allah. Ambillah ! Jangan malu ! Setelah itu saya berhenti sekejap di 7-Eleven untuk dia belikan anaknya susu, saya mohon jangan belikan susu F&N, beli susu tepung ! Dia menurut bila dia masuk semula, saya dapat lihat sebungkus susu tepung Dutch Lady ada dalam karung plastik.
Saya beli susu ni bang haji, dah lama anak saya tak minum susu tepung..dekat 2 bulan jugak. Dengan harga RM15.20 sen, cukup mahal bagi anak muda yang telah kehilangan kerja ini, itulah harga kehidupan. Survival…ketika ekonomi negara tidak memihak kepada rakyat marhaen yang ramai kehilangan pekerjaan.
Setelah menghantarnya ke Stesyen bas, jelas terlihat kegembiraan di wajah anak muda itu. Setelah mengucap salam, saya tinggalkan anak muda itu sendirian di Hentian Raya Pusat Bandar.
Inilah nasib bangsa yang sebangsa dengan ku, bangsa melayu. Islam. Kepada siapa lagi mahu diharapkan untuk terus menempuh survival kehidupan yang kian mencabar kini. ketika peluang pekerjaan makin mengecut. Kerajaan oh kerajaan..ada jaminankah untuk rakyatmu ketika pemimpin menjerit kuat mengenai ketuanan Melayu. Boleh jalannn laa !!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
8 clues to Happiness by Khushwant Singh
8 clues to Happiness by Khushwant Singh
Having lived a reasonably contented life, I was musing over what a person should strive for to achieve happiness. I drew up a list of a few essentials which I put forward for readers' appraisal.
1. First and foremost is Good Health. If you do not enjoy good health you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct from your happiness.
2. A Healthy Bank Balance. It should be enough to provide for creature comforts and something to spare for recreation, like eating out, going to the pictures, travelling or going on holidays on the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be only demoralizing. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one's own eyes.
3. A Home of Your Own. Rented premises can never give you the snug feeling of a nest which is yours for keeps that a home provides: if it has a garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, cultivate a sense of kinship with them.
4. An Understanding Companion, be it your spouse or a friend. If there are too many misunderstandings, they will rob you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to bicker all the time.
5. Lack of Envy towards those who have done better than you in life; risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be very corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.
6. Do not allow other people to descend on you for gossips. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.
7. Cultivate some hobbies which can bring you a sense of fulfillment, such as gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks or to meet celebrities is a criminal waste of time.
8. Every morning and evening, devote 15 minutes to Introspection. In the morning, 10 minutes should be spent on stilling the mind and 5 in listing things you have to do that day. In the evening, 5 minutes to still the mind again, and 10 to go over what you had undertaken to do.
Richness is not earning more, spending more or saving more, but... Richness is when you need no more!
Having lived a reasonably contented life, I was musing over what a person should strive for to achieve happiness. I drew up a list of a few essentials which I put forward for readers' appraisal.
1. First and foremost is Good Health. If you do not enjoy good health you can never be happy. Any ailment, however trivial, will deduct from your happiness.
2. A Healthy Bank Balance. It should be enough to provide for creature comforts and something to spare for recreation, like eating out, going to the pictures, travelling or going on holidays on the hills or by the sea. Shortage of money can be only demoralizing. Living on credit or borrowing is demeaning and lowers one in one's own eyes.
3. A Home of Your Own. Rented premises can never give you the snug feeling of a nest which is yours for keeps that a home provides: if it has a garden space, all the better. Plant your own trees and flowers, see them grow and blossom, cultivate a sense of kinship with them.
4. An Understanding Companion, be it your spouse or a friend. If there are too many misunderstandings, they will rob you of your peace of mind. It is better to be divorced than to bicker all the time.
5. Lack of Envy towards those who have done better than you in life; risen higher, made more money, or earned more fame. Envy can be very corroding; avoid comparing yourself with others.
6. Do not allow other people to descend on you for gossips. By the time you get rid of them, you will feel exhausted and poisoned by their gossip-mongering.
7. Cultivate some hobbies which can bring you a sense of fulfillment, such as gardening, reading, writing, painting, playing or listening to music. Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks or to meet celebrities is a criminal waste of time.
8. Every morning and evening, devote 15 minutes to Introspection. In the morning, 10 minutes should be spent on stilling the mind and 5 in listing things you have to do that day. In the evening, 5 minutes to still the mind again, and 10 to go over what you had undertaken to do.
Richness is not earning more, spending more or saving more, but... Richness is when you need no more!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Top 20 Signs That Tell You ...
Your keep hearing suggestions to change your lifestyles (spending wise) coming from a minister whenever the government wants to raise the price of petrol.
You learnt that the word “Rationalization” better explain the act of increasing the price of basic necessities rather than the word “PRICE INCREASE or Barang Naik” (Huh? Explain it to me again! ).
You keep hearing that the price of fuel after rationalization, is actually lower than those enjoyed by the neighbouring countries. (Three increases annually and we are still cheaper? Is it dirt cheap to begin with?)
You used to go to mamak stall or a kopitiam and especially the local pub to hear tall tales and incredulous stories. Nowadays you just have to read the local dailies and the evening news.
Electricity rate increase by The National Power are implemented to ensure it enjoys maximum profit and NOT to stave it from falling into the red. (The same goes for the Highway operators as well. (But then, if they are facing bankruptcy – are we supposed to rescue them with our money too? I must be too stupid to understand this logic!).
Fuel prices always raises in tandem with world market price but whenever there is a decrease in the global oil prices, there’s no reduction and the government is quiet like a mouse. (Aiyah, do have to change my lifestyle again kah??)
You can create your own FB page without paying someone else a single cent and yet the government paid RM 1.8 million to “someone” to do it. (I wonder who was that “someone” laughing all the way to the bank?)
A nationwide campaign was launched to provide EVERY student with their own Netbook but neglected to remember that all classroom in the country only have 2 power outlets each. (Welcome to the world of bizarre and unexplained phenomenon where students are supplied with a hand cranking devices with utilizes a bicycle tyres and a dynamo to provide power for their netbooks…Just kidding!).
The only honest and actual news reporting in the evening news on TV is the weather forecast. (Sadly we didn’t have paparazzi type of girls presenting the weather otherwise we would have a nation well verse in metrological foreplay ..err.. I mean forecasting).
The thing that is true and factual in the local dailies are 4d numbers and the horse race results. (There are at least some truth in those paper after all. Otherwise they would only be fit for toilet paper).
Old and over the hill politicians are made minister and for one ministry, it could also include the ICT portfolio. (Ok, let’s change mode! BTW anything that has numbers and decimal points are connected to those despicable Anonymous Hacker group, I think?? Damn, the gerbil on the wheel is slow today…maybe I need a Viagra!).
Submarines bought by the government that is worth billions and billions of RM are not capable of submerging. No one was at fault or have taken responsibility or taken to task and by the way, the sub still can’t swim..err.. submerge! (Has anyone seen the manual??? No? What is a manual???)
Everyone goes to the police station to place a police report on political issues and on political parties but NOT as often to report crime or to seek protection. (One could be thrown in jail for reporting a crime. Remember the reporter who was placed under ISA for her own protection?).
The communist insurgents were defeated decades ago but curiously enough the ancient law passed by the Parliament to fight them is still being used. (China and Vietnam is our enemy now? Where’s that IA when you need him?)
Gambling is forbidden to Muslims but how come some are allowed to be directors and shareholders in those gambling companies? (Huh? Run that by me again!).
Organizing and holding a rally to press for clean and fair election are deemed anarchist and traitorous not to mention subversive elements BUT a Malay supremacist NGO threatening violence and rioting is just an expression of freedom of speech. (No need to add anything here!)
You see the people appeal for the reduction of cost of living and the government reply with a stupid remarks such as “Don’t use a car, use the public transport instead” or “The people need to change their lifestyles”. (Instead of eating 3 times a day I should only have a meal every other day, is that it?).
Military spending of billions wins over the cost of subsidies that cost the government extra hundreds of millions only. (Does the government know that billions is more than millions or are they like Dr Evil who thinks billions is much much more than a trillion?).
The lay people would rather believe the opposition politician than take the word of a fool..err..full minister of Communication. P.S.- They say evolution has made humans masters of the planet but I think it is likely he was born before the process started).
The people are embarrassed of their government but the government doesn’t realized that they are embarrassing themselves. Really, a million youths assembled to defend Putrajaya??? More like thousands of them coming to watch Korean popstar group and ignoring the PM altogether.
You learnt that the word “Rationalization” better explain the act of increasing the price of basic necessities rather than the word “PRICE INCREASE or Barang Naik” (Huh? Explain it to me again! ).
You keep hearing that the price of fuel after rationalization, is actually lower than those enjoyed by the neighbouring countries. (Three increases annually and we are still cheaper? Is it dirt cheap to begin with?)
You used to go to mamak stall or a kopitiam and especially the local pub to hear tall tales and incredulous stories. Nowadays you just have to read the local dailies and the evening news.
Electricity rate increase by The National Power are implemented to ensure it enjoys maximum profit and NOT to stave it from falling into the red. (The same goes for the Highway operators as well. (But then, if they are facing bankruptcy – are we supposed to rescue them with our money too? I must be too stupid to understand this logic!).
Fuel prices always raises in tandem with world market price but whenever there is a decrease in the global oil prices, there’s no reduction and the government is quiet like a mouse. (Aiyah, do have to change my lifestyle again kah??)
You can create your own FB page without paying someone else a single cent and yet the government paid RM 1.8 million to “someone” to do it. (I wonder who was that “someone” laughing all the way to the bank?)
A nationwide campaign was launched to provide EVERY student with their own Netbook but neglected to remember that all classroom in the country only have 2 power outlets each. (Welcome to the world of bizarre and unexplained phenomenon where students are supplied with a hand cranking devices with utilizes a bicycle tyres and a dynamo to provide power for their netbooks…Just kidding!).
The only honest and actual news reporting in the evening news on TV is the weather forecast. (Sadly we didn’t have paparazzi type of girls presenting the weather otherwise we would have a nation well verse in metrological foreplay ..err.. I mean forecasting).
The thing that is true and factual in the local dailies are 4d numbers and the horse race results. (There are at least some truth in those paper after all. Otherwise they would only be fit for toilet paper).
Old and over the hill politicians are made minister and for one ministry, it could also include the ICT portfolio. (Ok, let’s change mode! BTW anything that has numbers and decimal points are connected to those despicable Anonymous Hacker group, I think?? Damn, the gerbil on the wheel is slow today…maybe I need a Viagra!).
Submarines bought by the government that is worth billions and billions of RM are not capable of submerging. No one was at fault or have taken responsibility or taken to task and by the way, the sub still can’t swim..err.. submerge! (Has anyone seen the manual??? No? What is a manual???)
Everyone goes to the police station to place a police report on political issues and on political parties but NOT as often to report crime or to seek protection. (One could be thrown in jail for reporting a crime. Remember the reporter who was placed under ISA for her own protection?).
The communist insurgents were defeated decades ago but curiously enough the ancient law passed by the Parliament to fight them is still being used. (China and Vietnam is our enemy now? Where’s that IA when you need him?)
Gambling is forbidden to Muslims but how come some are allowed to be directors and shareholders in those gambling companies? (Huh? Run that by me again!).
Organizing and holding a rally to press for clean and fair election are deemed anarchist and traitorous not to mention subversive elements BUT a Malay supremacist NGO threatening violence and rioting is just an expression of freedom of speech. (No need to add anything here!)
You see the people appeal for the reduction of cost of living and the government reply with a stupid remarks such as “Don’t use a car, use the public transport instead” or “The people need to change their lifestyles”. (Instead of eating 3 times a day I should only have a meal every other day, is that it?).
Military spending of billions wins over the cost of subsidies that cost the government extra hundreds of millions only. (Does the government know that billions is more than millions or are they like Dr Evil who thinks billions is much much more than a trillion?).
The lay people would rather believe the opposition politician than take the word of a fool..err..full minister of Communication. P.S.- They say evolution has made humans masters of the planet but I think it is likely he was born before the process started).
The people are embarrassed of their government but the government doesn’t realized that they are embarrassing themselves. Really, a million youths assembled to defend Putrajaya??? More like thousands of them coming to watch Korean popstar group and ignoring the PM altogether.
Malaysia needs 50% more rooms for more tourist arrivals, says deputy tourism minister
By Lam Jian Wyn of
Wednesday, 30 March 2011 15:48
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will need to raise the number of hotel rooms in the country by about 50% to cater for a targeted growth in tourist arrivals to 36 million by 2020, said Deputy Minister of Tourism Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit.
“We will look at progression (of tourist arrivals). If we have that number of tourists we will need to build that many rooms,” he told reporters on Wednesday, Mar 30.
Mamit said as at February, there were 1,610 hotels nationwide ranked from 3-stars to 5-stars earlier with a total 161,117 rooms, in his speech earlier before the launch of the InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur, formerly the Nikko Hotel.
In the city alone, there were 236 hotels with 30,000 rooms, he added.
“We hope to have enough rooms… Probably (increase by) about 50% more hotel rooms, but by when (we) don’t know, it depends on investors,” he said.
He had noted that the average occupancy rates for hotels across the countries fell by 1.6% to 59.3% in 2010 from a year ago, venturing that tourists are moving towards homestay programmes.
He pointed out that last year, Malacca had recorded the highest number of tourists without offering a figure.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011 15:48
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia will need to raise the number of hotel rooms in the country by about 50% to cater for a targeted growth in tourist arrivals to 36 million by 2020, said Deputy Minister of Tourism Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit.
“We will look at progression (of tourist arrivals). If we have that number of tourists we will need to build that many rooms,” he told reporters on Wednesday, Mar 30.
Mamit said as at February, there were 1,610 hotels nationwide ranked from 3-stars to 5-stars earlier with a total 161,117 rooms, in his speech earlier before the launch of the InterContinental Hotel Kuala Lumpur, formerly the Nikko Hotel.
In the city alone, there were 236 hotels with 30,000 rooms, he added.
“We hope to have enough rooms… Probably (increase by) about 50% more hotel rooms, but by when (we) don’t know, it depends on investors,” he said.
He had noted that the average occupancy rates for hotels across the countries fell by 1.6% to 59.3% in 2010 from a year ago, venturing that tourists are moving towards homestay programmes.
He pointed out that last year, Malacca had recorded the highest number of tourists without offering a figure.
The vicious triangle of financial fraud
KUALA LUMPUR: There are three sides to any financial fraud – opportunity, desire and target.
“Remove any one element, the triangle can’t be formed and the crime will not occur,” said JR Associates regional consultant John R.
He was commenting on The Star’s report on a contract scam involving school supply contracts which saw many suppliers being cheated into paying high fees by conmen posing as Education Ministry and department officials.
Some traders, fearing they would lose the contracts, are known to have used their life’s savings – one even sold off his house – to pay the conmen.
John said a person can eliminate or reduce the risk of being cheated by first curbing “the opportunity for crime.”
This means limiting access to personal information and not divulging personal details when asked over the phone or online, he said.
John, who has several associate offices abroad, said: “When the opportunity for fraud is frustrated from occurring, losses can be avoided and time and emotional distress can be saved.”
Regarding the “desire” that serves as the motivation for the crime, John said: “It is usually due to some financial problem that can’t be solved through legitimate means.
“Once he (the criminal) has the desire, he looks for an opportunity and a target.”
John added that fraudsters see themselves as “good people caught in a web of bad circumstances” and do not view themselves as criminals.
Explaining the third leg in the triangle – target – he said it refers to anyone who appears to be an easy victim.
“An easy target will not put any resistance and would believe or accept what is being told.
“This makes it easy for the criminal to brainwash the person into accepting a scam,” added John, who has spent 30 years in risk management for expatriates.
“In order to protect ourselves we must restrict the personal information we give out by being cautious in discussions regarding wealth, lifestyle and social activities.
“Shred all documents that have personal information relating to the business and do not leave receipts at the ATM machine or petrol kiosk,” he said.
He added that it was cheaper to prevent fraud from happening than to try to detect the crime.
“By the time someone realises he has been cheated, the cash given is gone and chances are slim that it will be recovered. Moreover, it is costly and time consuming to investigate a fraud,” he said.
KUALA LUMPUR: There are three sides to any financial fraud – opportunity, desire and target.
“Remove any one element, the triangle can’t be formed and the crime will not occur,” said JR Associates regional consultant John R.
He was commenting on The Star’s report on a contract scam involving school supply contracts which saw many suppliers being cheated into paying high fees by conmen posing as Education Ministry and department officials.
Some traders, fearing they would lose the contracts, are known to have used their life’s savings – one even sold off his house – to pay the conmen.
John said a person can eliminate or reduce the risk of being cheated by first curbing “the opportunity for crime.”
This means limiting access to personal information and not divulging personal details when asked over the phone or online, he said.
John, who has several associate offices abroad, said: “When the opportunity for fraud is frustrated from occurring, losses can be avoided and time and emotional distress can be saved.”
Regarding the “desire” that serves as the motivation for the crime, John said: “It is usually due to some financial problem that can’t be solved through legitimate means.
“Once he (the criminal) has the desire, he looks for an opportunity and a target.”
John added that fraudsters see themselves as “good people caught in a web of bad circumstances” and do not view themselves as criminals.
Explaining the third leg in the triangle – target – he said it refers to anyone who appears to be an easy victim.
“An easy target will not put any resistance and would believe or accept what is being told.
“This makes it easy for the criminal to brainwash the person into accepting a scam,” added John, who has spent 30 years in risk management for expatriates.
“In order to protect ourselves we must restrict the personal information we give out by being cautious in discussions regarding wealth, lifestyle and social activities.
“Shred all documents that have personal information relating to the business and do not leave receipts at the ATM machine or petrol kiosk,” he said.
He added that it was cheaper to prevent fraud from happening than to try to detect the crime.
“By the time someone realises he has been cheated, the cash given is gone and chances are slim that it will be recovered. Moreover, it is costly and time consuming to investigate a fraud,” he said.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Top 20 Countries With Highest Proportion of Millionaires
First, the bad news – the global economy may not recover to its glory time anytime soon as the U.S. economy is getting really choppy with stubborn unemployment, not to mention the risk of another round of recession. The good news – the global wealth increased by 8% last year to reach a record of $121.8 trillion, at least that was what Boston Consulting Group says. Amazingly, the number of millionaire households grew by 12.2% in 2010, to 12.5 million worldwide. The U.S. still ranks as the country with the most millionaires per capita but lags behind other countries in terms of the proportion of millionaire households by market.
Millionaire households were counted based on assets under management, including cash deposits, money market funds, listed securities held directly or indirectly through managed investments together with onshore and offshore assets. However, it excludes wealth attributed to investors’ own businesses, residences, and luxury goods. Millionaire households accounted for 39% of global wealth in 2010, up from 37% in 2009 and 36% in 2008. Here’re the top 20 countries with the highest proportion of millionaires and you’ll never guess which top the chart.
No. 20 on the Chart: Canada
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.4%
Number of millionaires households: 180,000
No. 19 on the Chart: Australia
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.6%
Number of millionaires households: 130,000
No. 18 on the Chart: Denmark
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.7%
Number of millionaires households: 40,000
No. 17 on the Chart: Saudi Arabia
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.0%
Number of millionaires households: 90,000
No. 16 on the Chart: Oman
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.1%
Number of millionaires households: 9,000
No. 15 on the Chart: United Kingdom
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.2%
Number of millionaires households: 570,000
No. 14 on the Chart: Netherlands
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.3%
Number of millionaires households: 170,000
No. 13 on the Chart: Ireland
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.3%
Number of millionaires households: 30,000
No. 12 on the Chart: Bahrain
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.6%
Number of millionaires households: 6,000
No. 11 on the Chart: Japan
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.0%
Number of millionaires households: 1,530,000
No. 10 on the Chart: Belgium
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.1%
Number of millionaires households: 140,000
No. 9 on the Chart: Israel
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.4%
Number of millionaires households: 80,000
No. 8 on the Chart: Taiwan
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.6%
Number of millionaires households: 280,000
No. 7 on the Chart: United States
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 4.5%
Number of millionaires households: 5,220,000
No. 6 on the Chart: United Arab Emirates
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 5.0%
Number of millionaires households: 50,000
No. 5 on the Chart: Kuwait
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.5%
Number of millionaires households: 40,000
No. 4 on the Chart: Hong Kong
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.6%
Number of millionaires households: 200,000
No. 3 on the Chart: Qatar
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.9%
Number of millionaires households: 30,000
No. 2 on the Chart: Switzerland
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 9.9%
Number of millionaires households: 330,000
No. 1 on the Chart: Singapore
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 15.5%
Number of millionaires households: 170,000
After declining in 2008, the U.S. millionaire population grew in 2009 and continued to rebound in 2010. Although its economy is crawling, the U.S. still has by far the most millionaire households (more than 5 million) of any country, as well as the largest number of ultra-high-net-worth households (those with more than $100 million in assets under management). Hmm, not bad for a country whose government has debt of a mind-boggling US$14.3 trillion.
Japan has 1.53 million millionaire households, second only to the U.S. Its share of regional wealth has been declining though. Japan accounted for more than half of all wealth in the Asia-Pacific region as recently as 2008 but by 2010, its share accounted for about 44% only. The United Kingdom has 570,000 millionaire households, the fourth-highest number, after the U.S., Japan and China. However, as a share of total households in the country, at 2.2%, the U.K. ranks 15th.
Qatar is the world’s fastest-growing economy, as well as one of the richest. It’s annual GDP growth is estimated at 19.4% in 2010, with per capita GDP at $145,300. The country has the world’s third-largest reserves of natural gas, with oil and gas accounting for more than half of GDP, 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues.
With nearly one in 10 households in Switzerland a millionaire household, the country is one of the world’s most expensive. Hence, being a Swiss you shouldn’t complain of paying about 20% more for services & accommodation and 45% more for food as compared to other Western European cities. At least I won’t mind. And guess which country has the highest concentration of millionaire households?
It’s none other than Singapore. That’s right – Singapore, the country that its northern neighbour, Malaysia, always ridicule for being just a tiny dot and not even considered a country is home to the world’s greatest concentration of millionaire households. Deloitte expects that by 2015, Singapore may surpass Switzerland in per capita wealth among millionaire households. Already, Singapore is Asia’s eighth-most-expensive location.
Millionaire households were counted based on assets under management, including cash deposits, money market funds, listed securities held directly or indirectly through managed investments together with onshore and offshore assets. However, it excludes wealth attributed to investors’ own businesses, residences, and luxury goods. Millionaire households accounted for 39% of global wealth in 2010, up from 37% in 2009 and 36% in 2008. Here’re the top 20 countries with the highest proportion of millionaires and you’ll never guess which top the chart.
No. 20 on the Chart: Canada
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.4%
Number of millionaires households: 180,000
No. 19 on the Chart: Australia
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.6%
Number of millionaires households: 130,000
No. 18 on the Chart: Denmark
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 1.7%
Number of millionaires households: 40,000
No. 17 on the Chart: Saudi Arabia
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.0%
Number of millionaires households: 90,000
No. 16 on the Chart: Oman
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.1%
Number of millionaires households: 9,000
No. 15 on the Chart: United Kingdom
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.2%
Number of millionaires households: 570,000
No. 14 on the Chart: Netherlands
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.3%
Number of millionaires households: 170,000
No. 13 on the Chart: Ireland
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.3%
Number of millionaires households: 30,000
No. 12 on the Chart: Bahrain
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 2.6%
Number of millionaires households: 6,000
No. 11 on the Chart: Japan
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.0%
Number of millionaires households: 1,530,000
No. 10 on the Chart: Belgium
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.1%
Number of millionaires households: 140,000
No. 9 on the Chart: Israel
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.4%
Number of millionaires households: 80,000
No. 8 on the Chart: Taiwan
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 3.6%
Number of millionaires households: 280,000
No. 7 on the Chart: United States
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 4.5%
Number of millionaires households: 5,220,000
No. 6 on the Chart: United Arab Emirates
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 5.0%
Number of millionaires households: 50,000
No. 5 on the Chart: Kuwait
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.5%
Number of millionaires households: 40,000
No. 4 on the Chart: Hong Kong
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.6%
Number of millionaires households: 200,000
No. 3 on the Chart: Qatar
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 8.9%
Number of millionaires households: 30,000
No. 2 on the Chart: Switzerland
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 9.9%
Number of millionaires households: 330,000
No. 1 on the Chart: Singapore
Millionaire households as a share of country’s total households: 15.5%
Number of millionaires households: 170,000
After declining in 2008, the U.S. millionaire population grew in 2009 and continued to rebound in 2010. Although its economy is crawling, the U.S. still has by far the most millionaire households (more than 5 million) of any country, as well as the largest number of ultra-high-net-worth households (those with more than $100 million in assets under management). Hmm, not bad for a country whose government has debt of a mind-boggling US$14.3 trillion.
Japan has 1.53 million millionaire households, second only to the U.S. Its share of regional wealth has been declining though. Japan accounted for more than half of all wealth in the Asia-Pacific region as recently as 2008 but by 2010, its share accounted for about 44% only. The United Kingdom has 570,000 millionaire households, the fourth-highest number, after the U.S., Japan and China. However, as a share of total households in the country, at 2.2%, the U.K. ranks 15th.
Qatar is the world’s fastest-growing economy, as well as one of the richest. It’s annual GDP growth is estimated at 19.4% in 2010, with per capita GDP at $145,300. The country has the world’s third-largest reserves of natural gas, with oil and gas accounting for more than half of GDP, 85% of export earnings, and 70% of government revenues.
With nearly one in 10 households in Switzerland a millionaire household, the country is one of the world’s most expensive. Hence, being a Swiss you shouldn’t complain of paying about 20% more for services & accommodation and 45% more for food as compared to other Western European cities. At least I won’t mind. And guess which country has the highest concentration of millionaire households?
It’s none other than Singapore. That’s right – Singapore, the country that its northern neighbour, Malaysia, always ridicule for being just a tiny dot and not even considered a country is home to the world’s greatest concentration of millionaire households. Deloitte expects that by 2015, Singapore may surpass Switzerland in per capita wealth among millionaire households. Already, Singapore is Asia’s eighth-most-expensive location.
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