10 Langkah Untuk Bebas Hutang
Hutang kini menjadi satu penyakit berjangkit yang paling bahaya dalam masyarakat kita. Kerana hutang ramai yang hidup dalam tekanan, berserabut dan paling teruk ramai yang muflis kerananya.
Menurut kajian, hutang isi rumah yang dicatat berjumlah RM577 bilion berdasarkan statistik bulanan Bank Negara Malaysia merangkumi bebanan pinjaman kereta (RM118 bilion), pinjaman perumahan (RM225 bilion) dan pinjaman peribadi (RM22 bilion) selain anggaran hutang kad kredit (RM200 bilion).
Berita baik sekarang saya akan berkongsi dengan anda bagaimana cara untuk bebas dari hutang! Oleh itu anda mempunyai duit lebih untuk menikmati hidup yang lebih baik. Bila dah ada duit lebih barulah boleh mula simpan untuk membuat pelaburan emas pula.
Saya ada sistem sendri bagaimana untuk ‘menyerang’ hutang ini. Biasanya sistem yang mudah adalah yang terbaik. Dan saya rasa ianya termasuk cara melenyapkan hutang. Dalam masa beberapa tahun saya telah mencubanya dan ia berkesan pada saya,dan sepatutnya untuk anda juga .
Anda perlu kuatkan semangat untuk mengikuti 10 langkah bebas hutang yang berikut. Dan matlamat anda untuk bebas daripada hutang pasti akan tercapai jika anda benar-benar komited untuk menyelesaikan segala hutang kad kredit, rumah, peralatan rumah dan sebagainya.
1. PERIKSA rekod perbelanjaan untuk tempoh 12 bulan. Setahun adalah jangka masa yang tepat untuk melihat apa yang berlaku. Jadi lihat semua perbelanjaan, penyata bank, rekod buku cek, penyata kad kredit atau apa sahaja rekod yang anda ada. Dan untuk perbelanjaan yang menggunakan wang tunai, bawa buku nota untuk beberapa minggu dan tulis semua perbelanjaan anda, walaupun untuk membeli goreng pisang makcik Timah. Akhirnya, anda akan dapati betapa sedikit akan menjadi bukit. Saya telah mencubanya dan memang anda akan terkejut.
2. KIRAKAN jumlah perbelanjaan anda dalam sebulan, dengan mencampurkan semua bil yang perlu anda bayar dalam sebulan.
3. TULISKAN senarai hutang yang anda tanggung. Jangan lupa masukkan sekali ansuran rumah. Telefon bank jika anda tidak pasti berapa hutang yang anda ada.(Pastikan ada selalu kemas kinikan rekod senarai hutang ini)
4. BUAT SENARAI pembayaran minima yang perlu anda lakukan setiap bulan. Katakan anda perlu membayar RM2000 setiap bulan.
5. TENGOK BAKI yang perlu anda bayar, dengan anggapan bahawa anda membayar setiap bulan tanpa ada yang tertunggak.
6. SENARAIKAN hutang anda supaya hutang yang sedikit diatas sekali, dan yang banyak terletak dibawah. Jangan lupa senaraikan semua hutang anda. Contohnya:
1) Hutang TV RM3000
2) Hutang kad kredit RM5,000
3) Hutang kereta RM50,000
4) Hutang rumah RM100,000
7. SERANG HUTANG: Sekarang anda perlu ‘MENYERANG’ untuk membayar hutang yang sedikit dahulu. Buat keutamaan untuk habiskan hutang yang sedikit dahulu (tv?) dan akhir sekali hutang yang agak besar, contohnya kereta atau rumah.
8. PRINSIP 10%: Pada langkah Nombor 4, anda telah kirakan jumlah minima hutang yang perlu anda bayar setiap bulan iaitu RM2000. Sematkan di minda anda untuk tambahkan sebanyak 10% daripada jumlah tersebut, iaitu RM200!
9. GANDAKAN: Untuk mempunyai tambahan RM200 untuk membayar hutang, kurangkan RM200 daripada perbelanjaan, dan simpan untuk membayar hutang. Cuba fikirkan semua cara untuk mengumpulkan RM200 ini. Anda perlu berbincang dengan keluarga anda apa yang perlu dan tidak perlu dibeli. Contohnya jika anda selalu makan diluar, cuba kurangkan. Jika anda merokok, cuba berhenti. Jika anda berusaha, pastinya anda temui jalan untuk jimatkan paling kurang RM200 sebulan.
10. BEBASKAN: Gunakan wang tambahan RM200 ini untuk membayar hutang No.1 anda yang kecil dahulu. Jika anda membayar RM100 sebelum ini, sekarang anda bayar RM300 (RM100+RM200). Apabila habis hutang pertama, gunakan RM300 untuk tambahkan bayaran kepada hutang kedua. Jika sebelum ini anda membayar RM200 untuk hutang kedua, anda bayar RM500 (RM200+RM300) selepas hutang pertama habis. Ianya akan memberikan impak maksima untuk melangsaikan hutang anda dengan cepat. Teruskan penambahan sehingga ke senarai yang terakhir.
Dengan cara ini anda akan bebas dari hutang dalam masa beberapa tahun. Ianya tidak mudah tetapi paling kurang anda sudah mempunyai sistem untuk bebas daripada hutang. Kelebihan daripada sistem ini bermula hanya daripada RM200 yang anda jimatkan, dan ianya bertambah sebaik sahaja hutang pertama anda habis.
Saya sendiri telah gunakan teknik bebas hutang ini dengan jayanya dan sekarang saya mahu anda mencubanya. Dan jangan lupa untuk menyimpan duit di ASB sebaik sahaja anda bebas dari hutang! Bila anda dah ada RM 20,000 dalam ASB itu bermakna anda sudah layak untuk ke tahap seterusnya dalam KEBEBASAN KEWANGAN! Hubungi saya dan saya akan kongsikan bagaimana dengan RM 20,000 itu anda akan menjana Income Pasif secara bulanan sepanjang hidup anda!
Jangan lupa berikan komen di blog ini jika anda mendapat sebarang hasil daripada teknik ini. See ya!
P/S : Jika anda masih tidak dapat menjimatkan RM 200 sebulan pada Langkah ke-8,apa yang perlu anda lakukan adalah mencari lebihan/income tambahan RM 200 sebulan.
Menjadi seorang yang bebas kewangan dengan menggunakan homestay sebagai "tools mesin cetak duit tanpa henti"/Passive income streams.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
There’s Rich, Then There’s Monte Carlo Rich
There’s Rich, Then There’s Monte Carlo Rich
When it comes to living the high life, the super wealthy do it like no one else.
Monte Carlo is fantastic this time of year. It’s warm and sunny but not too hot. Just warm enough for the beautiful people to start parading around all over town wearing almost nothing but their carefully honed physiques and whatever baubles they have recently acquired. Monte Carlo, I’m sure I don’t have to tell anyone, is where the rich come to play, and where the gold-diggers search for prey.
It’s where people go to be seen and to see. Me? I’m neither gold digger nor rich enough to be targeted. So I fall into the category of watchers. I’m here for research.
I enjoy sitting at my usual table at CafĂ© de Paris (booked months in advance) sipping my exorbitant hot mocha and just watching the decadence of luxury parading all around me. There is the middle-aged, morbidly obese Russian with his early-20s girlfriend who’s wearing nothing but a bikini and a diamond-clasp Crocodile Birkin. Over there’s the young Arab prince with a bevy of ultra sexy model-types sipping Cristal at 10am. And there’s the heavily botoxed octogenarian heiress with her pocket sized Chihuahua and brazillian sun-bronzed Adonis stepping out of the Maybach right into Van Cleef and Arpels.
The scent of money is everywhere in the air and the usual standards of wealth don’t apply. On one of my visits here I was with someone whom I regard as a very wealthy fellow Malaysian, and even he told me he felt insignificant against the opulence of this utopia for the moneyed class. You think you’ve seen wealth with your Mercedes Benz, your First Class Jet setting and your 6-star resorts? Well, as Ronald Reagan once famously said “You ain’t seen nothing yet”.
A whole new level of wealth exists beyond the ken of most of us mere mortals, and every year at around this time they come out in force in Monte Carlo. Meet the Super Yacht set. So you have a 70ft boat with a couple of nicely appointed rooms on board for your occasional island hops around Langkawi or Redang and you think you’ve arrived? Think again. Here, if you own anything less than a 100 footer, you may as well just own a tugboat. ‘The Monte Super Yachts’ are in a league of their own. The Monte Carlo Yachting set are those who are so fabulously and securely rich that to speak of cost and bank balances is, to them, vulgar. (After all, having to actually think about how much one spends is very middle-class isn’t it?)
Every summer these money minters will make their individual grand entrances , sailing into the coast of this principality with their mighty vessels. Like birds of paradise displaying their plumes, these super yachts will be moored in all their majesty within sight of each other and just a short boat ride from the shore. Beachgoers would gawk at their splendor and tourists on miniboats would sail past while snapping as many photos as they can. On board, the fortunate occupants are sipping daiquiris and champagne, quite enjoying the attention while trying inconspicuously to eye the competition around them. (Being super rich apparently doesn’t cure you from trying to keep up with the Joneses)
Over the years I’ve become familiar with some of these Super Yachts, having been invited on some of them for lunches, dinners and the occasional weekend pool party. I remember my first time on the Alpha Nero, an 82-meter floating palace that has an infinity pool on its rear deck. It was a pool, by the way, that changes from sea water to fresh at the press of a button with a floor that can hydraulically be raised to become a helipad at the press of another. If that’s not enough to bowl you over, consider this: it has seven suites, three separate dining areas, a grand piano, theatre, dance floor, gym, and a beauty salon all finished in exotic Italian marbles, goat skin wall panels, and touches of sycamore, Makassar and mahogany. Its hull stores three tenders (smaller boats) and four jet skis in case you are bored floating in luxury and have a need for speed. Even the playing cards are from Hermes!
A friend of mine chartered one of the yachts for the whole summer last year and I spent a few days on board. The yacht had 15 lavishly decorated staterooms each with its own bath, satellite TV and digital film library of more than 500 films. At the top deck was a Jacuzzi and open-air bar that’s manned by one of the 50 staff and crew members employed on board full time. It was a luxury experience to end all others, except that because vessels like those often played host to holidaying Hollywood celebrities, one would every now and then be bugged by pesky paparazzi helicopters whizzing overhead trying to get a sellable photograph. Evidently I was a disappointment to them as none of my photos surfaced anywhere. Oh well.
Every now and then a big-name yacht would sail in and even the other super yachts would have to concede their superiority. Like the Qatar premier’s seven-storey royal-blue beauty named Al Mirqab or that famous Russian billionaire’s 500 footer named Eclipse that is widely rumoured to have cost more than $300mil (RM1192bil) to build and features among other things its own missile defence system and a ‘snow room’ in case you ever get tired of the scorching sun and feel like a quick frolic in –you guessed it- snow.
Obscene wealth? Well that’s Monte Carlo for you. Only here it’s not obscene, it’s just day to day living. Taking a $250 (RM993) helicopter ride instead of a taxi for that 45-minute drive between Nice and Monaco is as common here as people taking the airport shuttle in other parts of the world. The extravagance in every single mundane thing will soon have you losing your sense of worth and your grasp of the value of money.
I love luxury, but Monte Carlo gets a bit much even for me. I can do one week at most. Then I’d need to get back to my nasi lemak and roti canai for less than RM20, just to touch base with reality again. And sometimes enjoying that kind of food in a tugboat around Langkawi or Redang is really perfectly enough. Until I miss the decadence again, anyway.
■ Snobama thinks a freezer and some shaved ice is cheaper than a snow-room.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Retire young by investing in properties
Retire young by investing in properties
How to retire in less than five years by accumulating good debts of more than RM3 million through property investmentsPosted Date: Oct 15, 2009By: Milan Doshi | ||||||||||||||||
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Thursday, June 7, 2012
Which Came First--- The Happiness Or The Success?
Which Came First--- The Happiness Or The Success?
What’s the deal with happiness and success?
Why is it that we live in such an amazing world, filled with blessings and opportunities, yet so few are happy?
You owe it to yourself and those who love you to be happy. You want to be successful for yourself and those who support and adore you. How do you do this? Where do you start? What comes first—happiness or success?
Studies show that it’s not an either/or situation. Happiness and success are connected in interesting and often counterintuitive ways. Talking about how success leads to happiness ignores half of the story. There is increasing scientific evidence that increasing happiness leads to success.
Let’s take this to trading and look for ways that success and happiness can be achieved and integrated. What can you do to get and keep both?
1. Talk to other traders. As a trader, you often feel isolated and alone. You think that no one really understands you or what you do. Get a trading buddy that you trust and can share with during the trading day. It really does help with the loneliness, and you might even teach each other something that can lead to profits. This leads to a bond of sharing that causes you to feel happy.
2. Have at least one person in your private life that supports you, no matter what happens during the trading day. This helps you get to the point where you feel loved and accepted whether you are winning or losing. When you get this kind of nurturing from another person, you feel happy and safe.
3. Make sure that you have other activities outside of trading. Exercising to a sweat is a fabulous way to stay happy and centered---and you can detox your body in the process. The happier you are, the more you will want to be happy. Exercise and activities that bring joy to you are self-reinforcing.

4. Resolve any and all conflicts in your life as quickly as possible. You will feel like a weight has been lifted from you. Talk it out, get it over with and let it go. If you do not resolve conflicts, they can turn into soap opera dramas and you will act them out on the stage of the financial markets. You will not be happy with the results. Why? Because the markets don’t know you. They don’t care about your conflicts and dramas. They see these as weaknesses and will exploit them. They see you as weak and attack you by taking your money. This is a self-sabotaging cycle that leads to more and more losses. Now, you are playing in the big bad markets and acting out your emotions of anger, abandonment, resentment or sadness. The markets will give you more of what you already have—misery. If you resolve your personal dramas, you approach the markets in a happier state of mind. You telegraph happiness into the markets and they leave you alone to do trade your plan and make money. Markets see happiness and positivity as something they really don’t want to mess with. Sadness and desperation---yes—they can and do mess with that.
5. Help others. When you are in a good mood, you are more likely to display what psychologists call "prosocial behavior." Help other traders if they ask for help. Help other people who genuinely need help. Be generous with your time and money. What you give comes back to you, often in ways that you least expect.
6. Eat food that elevates your mood. Food changes the chemical transmitters in your brain. Fish, chicken, beans and tofu contain tyrosine that leads to increased mental alertness. The folic acid in a glass of orange juice or a cup or spinach has antidepressant effects. Selenium in brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and tuna fish boosts happiness. Avoid fried food, junk food and most fast foods. They may feel “comforting” at the time, but are nothing but a quick fix that makes you fat and clogs your arteries. Blood must flow freely to the brain for peak performance, and clogged arteries block this flow of blood and oxygen.
7. Be more playful and creative. The brain thrives on novelty. Getting away from your daily routine causes new pathways to form in the brain. Even simple things like drying yourself differently after a shower or bath (first notice how you dry yourself the same way every time, then do it differently. It may surprise you and wake up your brain). Trading is an extension of the games we played as children. The best traders I know excel at some sport or game- chess, racquetball, dancing or poker. Playing games or sports causes the brain to make new connections. When the brain makes new connections it is better able to perform complex tasks like trading. Playfulness and competition enable you to develop your own edge in the markets.
The way you think about happiness and success profoundly affects your life. If you think that success mainly leads to happiness then you focus more on success to the exclusion of happiness. You assume that, once you are successful, you will be happy.
Research shows that the instruction is to pursue both—not one to the exclusion of the other. Feeling better in the moment is not only more pleasant but it will open your brain to opportunities in your trading, your play and your relationships. Recognizing and taking these opportunities will lead you to success and happiness—not necessarily in that order—but you will eventually get both!
Thanks and Good Trading!
Janice Dorn,M.D., Ph.D.
Why is it that we live in such an amazing world, filled with blessings and opportunities, yet so few are happy?
You owe it to yourself and those who love you to be happy. You want to be successful for yourself and those who support and adore you. How do you do this? Where do you start? What comes first—happiness or success?
Studies show that it’s not an either/or situation. Happiness and success are connected in interesting and often counterintuitive ways. Talking about how success leads to happiness ignores half of the story. There is increasing scientific evidence that increasing happiness leads to success.
Let’s take this to trading and look for ways that success and happiness can be achieved and integrated. What can you do to get and keep both?
1. Talk to other traders. As a trader, you often feel isolated and alone. You think that no one really understands you or what you do. Get a trading buddy that you trust and can share with during the trading day. It really does help with the loneliness, and you might even teach each other something that can lead to profits. This leads to a bond of sharing that causes you to feel happy.
2. Have at least one person in your private life that supports you, no matter what happens during the trading day. This helps you get to the point where you feel loved and accepted whether you are winning or losing. When you get this kind of nurturing from another person, you feel happy and safe.
3. Make sure that you have other activities outside of trading. Exercising to a sweat is a fabulous way to stay happy and centered---and you can detox your body in the process. The happier you are, the more you will want to be happy. Exercise and activities that bring joy to you are self-reinforcing.

4. Resolve any and all conflicts in your life as quickly as possible. You will feel like a weight has been lifted from you. Talk it out, get it over with and let it go. If you do not resolve conflicts, they can turn into soap opera dramas and you will act them out on the stage of the financial markets. You will not be happy with the results. Why? Because the markets don’t know you. They don’t care about your conflicts and dramas. They see these as weaknesses and will exploit them. They see you as weak and attack you by taking your money. This is a self-sabotaging cycle that leads to more and more losses. Now, you are playing in the big bad markets and acting out your emotions of anger, abandonment, resentment or sadness. The markets will give you more of what you already have—misery. If you resolve your personal dramas, you approach the markets in a happier state of mind. You telegraph happiness into the markets and they leave you alone to do trade your plan and make money. Markets see happiness and positivity as something they really don’t want to mess with. Sadness and desperation---yes—they can and do mess with that.
5. Help others. When you are in a good mood, you are more likely to display what psychologists call "prosocial behavior." Help other traders if they ask for help. Help other people who genuinely need help. Be generous with your time and money. What you give comes back to you, often in ways that you least expect.
6. Eat food that elevates your mood. Food changes the chemical transmitters in your brain. Fish, chicken, beans and tofu contain tyrosine that leads to increased mental alertness. The folic acid in a glass of orange juice or a cup or spinach has antidepressant effects. Selenium in brazil nuts, sunflower seeds and tuna fish boosts happiness. Avoid fried food, junk food and most fast foods. They may feel “comforting” at the time, but are nothing but a quick fix that makes you fat and clogs your arteries. Blood must flow freely to the brain for peak performance, and clogged arteries block this flow of blood and oxygen.
7. Be more playful and creative. The brain thrives on novelty. Getting away from your daily routine causes new pathways to form in the brain. Even simple things like drying yourself differently after a shower or bath (first notice how you dry yourself the same way every time, then do it differently. It may surprise you and wake up your brain). Trading is an extension of the games we played as children. The best traders I know excel at some sport or game- chess, racquetball, dancing or poker. Playing games or sports causes the brain to make new connections. When the brain makes new connections it is better able to perform complex tasks like trading. Playfulness and competition enable you to develop your own edge in the markets.
The way you think about happiness and success profoundly affects your life. If you think that success mainly leads to happiness then you focus more on success to the exclusion of happiness. You assume that, once you are successful, you will be happy.
Research shows that the instruction is to pursue both—not one to the exclusion of the other. Feeling better in the moment is not only more pleasant but it will open your brain to opportunities in your trading, your play and your relationships. Recognizing and taking these opportunities will lead you to success and happiness—not necessarily in that order—but you will eventually get both!
Thanks and Good Trading!
Janice Dorn,M.D., Ph.D.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Building Your Wealth
The Wealth Pyramid
The Pyramids at Giza in Egypt have stood for more than 4500 years. They have stood the tests of time because the base foundation structure and each layer above was built on a broader solid layer beneath. This is also the way to build your wealth – to ensure it will also stand the test of time.
In building your wealth pyramid, you will have seven layers – each added in the correct order
Wealth layers;
Layer 1 – Success Mindset. - This consists of your beliefs, belief in yourself, your habits and their alignment with achieving and maintaining wealth.
Layer 2 – Appropriate Skills and Knowledge. - This is your application of your skills and knowledge, and the skills and knowledge of your advisor. Remember knowledge, not luck, is the building block you need, so your first investment is in knowledge.
Layer 3 – Clear, Well Thought Out Action Plan. - Your plan should include your approach to investing and a clear path looking at which opportunities to focus on and projected timelines. Consider appropriateness of trading and investing for your wealth creation.
Layer 4 – Risk Management. - All investing has an element of risk, as does any business. Risk management, as opposed to risk tolerance, is identifying potential risks and taking actions to minimise the potential for losses.
Layer 5 – Cash Flow – You need positive cash flow to live on today. Whilst equity increases your net worth, having a positive cash flow reduces your risk of going broke with low yield high equity growth investments.
Layer 6 - Increasing Equity – Whilst you need cash flow to live on today, equity will give you long term security and the money to live on tomorrow. For the best of both worlds, Having the right balance with your equity growth investments and positive cash flow will give you the best of both worlds for a solid pyramid as it grows higher.
Layer 7 – Wealth – To ensure you have the ability to enjoy the lifestyle you want when you choose to no longer work. Whilst most wealthy people continue to work because they enjoy it, having the choice to stop if and when you want to is a good objective for your plan.
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